Kitten Shower Set for April 13
For Immediate Release
Erin Long, Marketing & Development Manager | Humane Society of Harford County
410-836-1090, x106 | [email protected]
Fallston, MD (March 21, 2024) – Prepare yourself: the kittens are coming! The Humane Society of Harford County (HSHC) is hearing the pitter patter of lots of little paws and needs help preparing for kitten season – the time of year when animal shelters are overrun by kittens because birth rates are higher. The community is invited to a fun-filled Kitten Shower on Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 12:00PM at the shelter at 2208 Connolly Road in Fallston.
“Kitten season sounds like a cute and magical fairy tale,” said Danielle Holbrook, HSHC’s alternative placement manager. “But when newborn kittens start coming in one after another, it can quickly become overwhelming. The kitten shower is a fun way to raise awareness of the issue, recruit new foster parents, and stock our cabinets with all the supplies we need to be ready.”
The shower will kick-off at noon with a brief presentation about caring for newborn kittens followed by games, door prizes, refreshments, and a chance to meet other foster parents and sign up for the shelter’s foster program.

Admission to the event is a donation from HSHC’s gift registry. Items on the list include kitten food, non-clumping kitty litter, powdered kitten milk replacer, and bottles. Gift cards to area pet stores and monetary donations are also appreciated.
Last summer, HSHC took in an average of 12.7 kittens per week that were under the age of 8 weeks, which is the legal age at which kittens can be adopted. “Many of these kittens had no mothers and needed to be bottle fed every 2-4 hours, around the clock,” Holbrook says. “It’s very labor-intensive, and when there are more kittens than we have foster homes or supplies for? That’s what keeps shelter workers up at night.”
“Anyone can become a hero this kitten season, no matter their age, ability or resources,” Holbrook says. “A $5 donation buys a few cans of kitten food. An old fleece blanket that’s laying around at home can keep a litter of kittens warm. Your spare bedroom can even become a safe and cozy kitten nursery.”
Can’t make it to the shower? The shelter has a kitten registry at Amazon.com, Chewy.com, and Walmart.com. Donations can be shipped to the shelter at 2208 Connolly Road, Fallston, MD 21047 or dropped off on the following days/times: Monday through Friday from 11am – 6pm; Saturday from 10am – 5pm; and Sundays from 11am – 4pm.
About the Humane Society of Harford County
The Humane Society of Harford County, Inc., is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to the welfare and well-being of the approximately 3,000 animals that come to us each year. We promote the kind treatment of homeless, stray and abandoned animals by providing shelter, care, adoptions, and community education. We are not a county agency nor are we affiliated with any national or regional organization. Your tax-deductible donations, bequests, and proceeds from events are crucial to our life-saving efforts on behalf of the animals of our community.