Donor Privacy Policy
The Humane Society of Harford County, Inc.(HSHC) maintains the highest level of respect for the privacy of its donors. As part of our commitment to honor your rights, we have developed this Donor Privacy Policy to guide our volunteers and staff on how they may and may not use your personal information. This policy may be updated from time to time.
What information we collect
The HSHC collects and uses various personal information from donors that includes: name, amount donated, address, telephone number, donor comments and e-mail address.
How we use that information
The HSHC will never publish, sell, trade, rent or share names (unless released for publication), e-mail or mail addresses, or telephone numbers of our donors. Contact information (e-mail, telephone number and address) of donors will be used for these purposes only:
- Distribute receipts for donations
- Thank donors for their donation
- Inform donors about upcoming fundraising and other activities of the HSHC
- Internal analysis and record keeping
- Reporting to relevant U.S. and State agencies (these reports are not for public inspection)
- Contact donors about changes to this policy
Donors have the option to have their name publicly associated with their donation or the donor can choose the “anonymous” field when donating online. In all other cases the default is for staff and volunteers to assume all donations can be publicly announced unless the donor explicitly indicates otherwise. Comments given in donor forms are published in public lists and may be used in promotional materials while comments sent to us via email, fax or telephone are kept strictly confidential.
Financial information
All access to donor financial information is strictly limited to professional staff who need to process those data. No such data are given to any person, organization or group who does not need access.
The HSHC only uses online payment processing services with world class security and strong reputations. We do not store, nor do we have access to, your credit card information, bank account numbers, or other account data sent to those processing services.
Contact us
If you have questions about this Donor Privacy Policy or if you wish to be removed from our e-mail/postal contact lists, please email [email protected] or write to:
Cathy Owensby
The Humane Society of Harford County, Inc.
2208 Connolly Road
Fallston, MD 21047