For Immediate Release
Contact: Erin Long, Marketing Coordinator
Humane Society of Harford County
410-836-1090, x106
[email protected]
Fallston, MD (March 10, 2020) – Last year the Humane Society of Harford County (HSHC) took in 2,737 pets – or about 7.5 new animals every day. While a paid staff of 21 takes care of the basics such as food, a clean shelter, medical and grooming needs, volunteers fill the gaps and provide unparalleled support to the pets and people of Harford County. From walking/training dogs and cuddling cats, to staffing our tables at community events, to doing laundry and answering our busy phones – and everything in between – in 2019, a team of 202 volunteers gave 8,355 hours of service and were recognized at HSHC’s annual volunteer appreciation and awards ceremony on February 9 at the Greene Turtle in Bel Air.
According to Independent Sector, a national membership organization that brings together the charitable community, if you factor in wages, benefits, and other employee expenses, the value of a volunteer hour in 2019 was $25.43. Using that figure, volunteers saved the shelter around $212,000 in wages or about 17.7% of its annual budget.
“That just shows the incredible contributions volunteers make,” executive director Jen Swanson said. “We are so grateful to have such an incredibly dedicated and compassionate team of staff and volunteers. They work closely with the animals to help them have the best chance of finding that forever home which will give them the life they so deserve. Personally, I couldn’t be more thankful to be in such good company!”
Volunteers who gave between 100 and 249 hours are:
- Linda Bullis
- Diane Frith
- Joy Gain
- Carole Maggio
- Debbi McGinley
- Vicki Murray
- Kasia Oledzka
- Denise Vivino
- Lynn Ward
- Dorothy Zimmerman
Those who volunteered between 250 and 499 hours are:
- Lisa Brooks
- Mike Gallagher
- Joe McArdle
- Helen Rogers
- Sue Sullivan
- Ron Weber
- Linda Zilio
The following volunteers donated 500+ hours:
- Lois Brooks
- Pam Cobo
- John Drexler
- Vickie Pina
Currently, HSHC is not accepting new volunteers until May. Anyone interested in volunteering should check back with to complete an application at that time.
About the Humane Society of Harford County
The Humane Society of Harford County, Inc., is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to the welfare and well-being of the approximately 3,000 animals that come to us each year. We promote the kind treatment of homeless, stray and abandoned animals by providing shelter, care, adoptions, and community education. We are not a county agency nor are we affiliated with any national or regional organization. Your tax-deductible donations, bequests, and proceeds from events are crucial to our life-saving efforts on behalf of the animals of our community.