LOVE IS IN THE AIR at The Humane Society of Harford County! Between February 1st and 14th, all animals are just $14* to adopt!
Animals include the following:
- Distemper vaccination – DHPP (dogs) & FVCRP (cats)
- Rabies vaccination (if 3 months of age or older)
- FeLV (feline leukemia) & FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) testing (cats only)
- Canine flu vaccination (dogs only)
- Canine kennel cough vaccination (dogs only)
- De-wormer
- Flea & tick preventative
- Microchip
- General exam
Start your search here with one of our adoptable dogs, cats or small critters!
*If your furry Valentine is not yet spayed or neutered, we will collect a $50 “good faith” deposit from you. You will be given a HASP (Harford Animal Sterilization Program) certificate and a list of veterinarians who accept our certificate. Please read the certificate carefully and discuss with your vet so you are aware of what the certificate covers. You have 60 days (or 60 days after the animal is 6 months old) to get your buddy spayed or neutered. Once you have gotten the procedure done and can provide a receipt from your veterinarian, your $50 deposit will be refunded to you (or you may choose to donate it back to the shelter to help us get other pets spayed or neutered).