Bingo Donations

We pack Level Fire Hall with 315+ people and sell out year after year! A great way to support the homeless animals is to donate a raffle item (value in the $50-100 range) or a group of themed items (approx. value of $100-150) so we can fill a basket to give out as a game-winning prize (Basket Bingo only). Your name will be listed prominently next to your donation and in the event program.

Here are some ideas to get you thinking, but feel free to come up with your own:

  • Food or Beverages! Gift cards to local restaurants and themed food baskets are always everyone’s favorite.
  • Themed baskets such as chocolate lovers, beach bums, baking, snacking, tailgating, etc.
  • Tickets to events (of any kind)
  • Services such as hair, nails and spas
  • Car detailing/gas cards
  • Fashion accessories
  • Wine and alcohol
  • Jewelry
  • Artwork
  • Kids/family activities, toys and games
  • Home improvement/gardening supplies
  • Crafting supplies
  • More: pick a theme and build your own basket!

Cash Bingo Door Prizes

We will award 20 random winners with a bag of little prizes and welcome donations!

Basket Bingo Door Prizes

We fill 20 bags with small items (think tissues, soaps, hand sanitizers, etc.) to give away as door prizes. If you have something fun to contribute, we need 20 of each item to stuff in the bags.


  • For Cash Bingo on 2/7/25, we need donations no later than Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 5pm.
  • For Basket Bingo on 8/1/25, all donations need to be delivered no later than Monday, July 15, 2025 at 5pm.

Can the animals count on your support?

If you have an item to donate, please deliver it to our front desk during normal business hours or contact Erin Long.